
On December 9, a meeting of the Russia-Nigeria Business Council was held at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, that was attended by the Ambassador of Nigeria to Russia Professor Abdullahi I. Shehu. The meeting was opened by Dmitry Konyaev, Chairman of the Russia-Nigeria Business Council, Chairman of the Board of Directors of JSC Uralchem.

In his opening remarks, Alexander Kopkov, Director of the Department of External Relations of the RF CCI, noted “the important place that Nigeria occupies in foreign trade,” and confirmed the interest of Russian entrepreneurs to work together with Nigeria's business. According to Alexander Kopkov, "Africa occupies a special place" in business cooperation between Russia and foreign countries. " He emphasized the special role of business councils in this cooperation and especially the role of AFROCOM - the coordinating committee for economic cooperation with African countries. In this regard, Alexander Kopkov highlighted the importance of coordinating work in various areas of Russian business in African countries.

Ambassador of Nigeria Abdullahi I. Shehu, speaking at the meeting, spoke about the importance of increasing trade between our countries. The activities of the Russian-Nigerian Business Council, the Ambassador said, contribute to the development of the economies of the two countries. “There are risks for business in any part of the world, but I really want businessmen to see the real potential of Nigeria, and not just the risks,” said the head of the Nigerian diplomatic mission. “We must open Nigeria for Russians and Russia for Nigerians,” Abdullahi I. Shehu said.

AFROCOM Executive Director Stanislav Mezentsev said that the most important task of his organization today is to help businesses return to the African continent and coordinate the movement of Russian business to Africa. Mezentsev expressed his conviction that Nigeria today is the most attractive country for Russian business in Africa.

During the meeting, the re-election of the Deputy Chairman of the Russia-Nigeria Business Council took place. According to the results of the vote, Konstantin Anastasiadi, Chairman of the Commission on Africa of the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Sibneftegaz, was elected as Deputy Chairman of the Council.

Kirill Aleshin, representative of the Institute for African Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Uwem Sampson, Chairman of the Russian branch of the organization “Nigerians in the Diaspora” and others, spoke at the informational and presentation part of the meeting.

The meeting adopted as a basis the draft calendar plan for the activities of the Russia-Nigeria Business Council for 2022.

By Peter Cheremushkin, Press Service of the Chamber

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